
Part of our mission is to serve the people of our neighbourhood and this week we are praying for the residents of Endwood Drive. We also pray and work for justice worldwide.

This Thursday we pray for or the Cornwall Methodist District.


Verse of the Day


Thank you for visiting our website. People have been worshipping in the church in Streetly since 1905. Now, as then, we are linked by a common desire to know and serve Jesus Christ. If you want to know more about us you are warmly encouraged to come to one of our Sunday Services. We offer a range of different services for people of all ages with varied tastes in music and styles of worship. We welcome people who are seeking God as well as those who wish to grow in their faith.

We are part of Sutton Park Methodist Circuit which extends into the heart of Birmingham. We belong to Streetly Churches together, a group of local Churches from five denominations who join together in worship and witness.

Church Calendar

There are no church meetings this week


This site is maintained by the Chris & Francis Newson and Clive Thursfield
on behalf of Streetly Methodist Church Council
Thursday 12th September 2024