
"On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made." (1 Cor 16:2)

Although in this verse Paul is speaking about a specific collection for poor Christians in Jerusalem, the principle of setting aside a sum of money regularly to give to the church is still valid today.

Envelope Scheme

The envelope scheme is an efficient way of giving especially if you are a tax payer. You are given a numbered envelope for every Sunday of the year. This enables you to give every week even if you are away from Streetly Methodist Church on Sunday.

Standing Order

Some people now give monthly or weekly by standing order direct from their bank account. This is a very efficient way to give to the church as there is less effort required to keep track of your giving to reclaim tax. You can download a standing order form here.

Click Here to download standing order form in pdf format Standing Order Form in pdf format

Click Here to Download standing order form in doc format Standing Order Form in Word format

Gift Aid

If you are a taxpayer and make a Gift Aid Declaration the Church can reclaim the tax you have paid on your giving. This makes every £1.00 given worth £1.28 to the Church.Once a Declaration has been made all money given to the Church can be included in the Gift Aid scheme and the tax reclaimed.

You are free to withdraw the Declaration any time if you cease to pay tax.

Additional Giving

Donating Gifts other than money to the Church

Unfortunately the rules in the United Kingdom for Gift Aid mean the Church cannot reclaim tax on gifts other than money.

If you with the church to reclaim the the tax then I'am afraid you will need to follow the following procedure:

  1. Purchase the gift eg flowers, milk & biscuits for refreshments after the service, etc and keep the receipt
  2. Claim the cost from the treasurer using the claim form and enclose the receipt (for the auditor)
  3. Put the money in a green envelope and put it on the collection plate. Remember to put your name or envelope number on the outside of the green envelope

To include any additional giving in the Gift Aid scheme there are green envelopes available in the Church which need to be filled in with your name or envelope number.

The Inland Revenue has a website with more details of the scheme and a copy of the leaflet IR65 Giving to Charity by Individuals can be downloaded. If you would like a printed copy please see Pat Hallam.

If you have any questions on the Envelope Scheme, Gift Aid, using the Green Envelopes or wish to make a Gift Aid Declaration then either see Pat Hallam or Chris Newson.

This site is maintained by the Chris & Francis Newson and Clive Thursfield
on behalf of Streetly Methodist Church Council
Tuesday 17th September 2024